This two-hour webinar is designed to benefit public and private sector stakeholders, including civil society organisations, involved in policymaking, capacity-building and interventions focused on counter wildlife trafficking or wildlife-related money laundering. The webinar will share findings and typologies drawn from wildlife cases and training exercises in East and Southern Africa, but its lessons are relevant to stakeholders across wildlife source and transit jurisdictions worldwide, including countries whose financial centres will be vulnerable to illicit financial flows linked to wildlife trafficking.

This workshop is scheduled from 08:00 to 10:00 GMT (equivalent to 09:00-11:00 WAT, 10:00-12:00 SAST and 11:00-13:00 EAT). The agenda will include presentations from key speakers, with plenty of time for Q&A discussions, on the following themes:

  • Introduction to the closed case method and criteria for selection.
  • Use of case reviews as a financial investigation training tool.
  • Developing financial intelligence and risk indicators from case reviews.
  • Challenges, limitations, and lessons learned from the closed case method.

Please note, the event will be recorded. All presentations will be on the record and Q&A will be off the record. Any data collected in the event poll will be anonymised and only used for the purposes of monitoring and evaluation the implementation and impact of the event.

Speakers include:

Anne-Marie Weeden, Senior Research Fellow, RUSI, UK
Her Worship Gladys Kamasanyu, Chief Magistrate, Wildlife Court, Uganda
Mark Williams, Programme Manager, Organised Crime and Policing, RUSI, UK
John Minofu, Director of Monitoring & Analysis, Financial Intelligence Authority, Malawi
Geraldine Fleming, Financial Taskforce Manager, United for Wildlife, UK
Margaret Chitundu, Head of Asset Recovery Unit, National Prosecution Authority, Zambia

About the project

In 2020, the Financial Action Task Force – the global standard setting body for anti-money laundering policy – called for countries to conduct multi-agency reviews of closed wildlife cases, arguing such reviews can identify typologies of IWT-related financial crime, develop risk indicators, and potentially reveal new leads, as well as develop capacity to conduct parallel financial investigations.

As a result, RUSI has implemented a two-year project, ‘Using Closed Illegal Wildlife Trade Cases to Generate New Financial Intelligence’, funded by the UK Government under Defra’s IWT Challenge Fund. This project aims to build financial investigation capacity and develop and disseminate new intelligence generated by closed wildlife cases in Malawi, Namibia, Uganda and Zambia.