The Forum provides a platform for early-career professionals from both the public and the private sector, civil society, and academia, with a keen interest in reducing the UK’s vulnerabilities regarding illicit finance.

We host a calendar of in-person events providing insightful panel discussions and networking opportunities. We offer a free subscription to the forum for people working in the public sector, civil society or academia or for those working for organisations that are CFS Partnership Forum members. However, we ask that FLIFF members working in the private sector pay a fee of £50 to join.

Log in or Register for a RUSI web account first before selecting your subscription.

Select your FLIFF subscription

In an ongoing campaign to stimulate debate surrounding illicit finance and the role played by the UK to mitigate the risk at the domestic and international level, Future Leaders in Illicit Finance Forum is a community targeting emerging professionals from across the UK who are seeking opportunities to tackle domestic and global challenges related to illicit finance. The main purpose of the Forum is to intensify the presence and influence of voices of emerging professionals in the field. The desired outcome is two-fold: on the one hand, to prepare and help young professionals building their skillset and networks, to become the next generation of dirty money fighters; on the other hand, to generate discussion and promote new views on how to tackle illicit finance.

Forum activities

  • Informal networking events.
  • Peer-led discussions and debates.
  • A platform for everyone to connect: Email group and social media pages where members can share their work
  • FLIFF Masterclass exploring the benefits of a career in tackling financial crime.

Upcoming Events

Past events


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