
Chinese officials frequently describe their vision for 'true multilateralism' and a more ‘democratic’ international order. What does China really mean by this? And how does a country like the UK fit into China's world vision? 

In what promises to be a wide-ranging discussion, David Rennie will share his insights, gained from working as The Economist’s bureau chief in Beijing since 2018, on China’s ambitions for the global order. 

The webinar will be moderated by Dr Philip Shetler-Jones, Senior Research Fellow, Indo-Pacific Security, RUSI. 

About the Speaker 

David Rennie joined The Economist in 2007 after extensive journalistic experience, and reported from Brussels, London and Washington DC. In May 2018, he moved to China as Beijing bureau chief. He is the co-host of ‘Drum Tower, a podcast analysing the stories at the heart of China and its changing role in the world. David has recently returned from China to be Geopolitics Editor, and will be based in London. 

Joining Instructions 

This event is online-only and is open to all RUSI members. If you have any questions regarding this event, please email [email protected].

On registering to attend, you will be sent a confirmation email containing your personal Zoom link to join the event.