
08:30 - 09:00 Registration

Tea and coffee will be available on arrival for conference delegates.

09:00 - 1030 Welcome Address and Panel 1: Dependency, Interconnectedness and International Political-Economy in the Energy Transition

  • What do resource dependency and the cross-border flow of goods in global clean energy industries mean for geopolitical risk?
  • Are policy responses such as protectionism, supply chain regulation and the security screening of investments mitigating or exacerbating these risks?

Chair: Dan Marks, Research Fellow for Energy Security, RUSI


Isabelle Dupraz, Deputy Director, European Initiative for Energy Security

Darias Jonker, Head of Government and International Relations, Americas, Anglo American

Anders Hove, Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies China Research Programme

Bernice Lee, Research Director, Futures; Hoffmann Distinguished Fellow for Sustainability, Chatham House

10:30 - 11:00 Break

Tea, coffee and other refreshments will be available for conference delegates.

11:00 - 12:30 Panel 2: Cyber Threats in Energy Systems

  • What are the main cyber threats affecting clean energy industries?
  • How will these threats evolve as the energy system becomes increasingly dependent on digitisation, connection and automation?
  • How is the geopolitical environment impacting the cyber threat landscape in energy?

Chair: Joseph Jarnecki, Research Fellow for Cyber, RUSI and Pia Hüsch, Research Fellow for Cyber, RUSI


Jas Singh, Senior Principal Consultant, DNV

Matthew Cowlard, Head of the Cyber Policy Development team, Cyber Regulation & AI Directorate, Ofgem

Kyna Bowers, Assistant Head, Cyber Policy Team, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

Professor Emil Lupu, Head of Resilient Information Systems Security Group, Department of Computing, Imperial College London.

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

Lunch will be available for conference delegates.

13:30 - 15:00 Panel 3: Trouble in the Pit: Mineral Security Amidst Great Power Rivalry

  • How is great power rivalry affecting mineral producers squeezed between the US and China?
  • How is the geopolitical environment affecting more technical issues such as ESG performance?
  • How should the UK approach mineral security and what is its role setting, incentivising and enforcing international standards?

Chair: Henry Sanderson, RUSI Associate Fellow, Author, Volt Rush, Executive Editor, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence


Isabel Hilton, RUSI Senior Associate Fellow, Founder, China Dialogue Trust, Chair, Centre for Investigative Journalism

Dr Pragna Kiri, Head of Consultancy, Minviro

Henry Finnegan, Chief Operating Officer, Techmet

Mike Blakeney, Head of Government and Public Affairs at the Cobalt Institute

15:00 - 15:25 Break

Tea and coffee will be available for conference delegates.

15:25 - 17:00 Keynote Address and Panel 4: Being Energy Competitive in an Uncertain Transition and Uncertain World

Keynote Address: Ben Bowie, Managing Director, TMP
'Climate change, geopolitics and mineral supply risks'

  • How can government and businesses best make decisions in the conditions of uncertainty inherent to the energy transition?
  • Can governments avoid picking winners?
  • What sort of strategies might be most effective for dealing with combined geopolitical and climate risks?

Chair: Professor Mike Bradshaw, Professor of Global Energy, Warwick Business School, Co-Director, UK Energy Research Centre


Chris McDonald MP, Labour MP for Stockton North, former Chief Executive of the Materials Processing Institute

Frank Ketelaars, Energy Transition Director, DNV

Professor Michael Grubb, Professor of Energy and Climate Change, UCL, Convening Lead Author for IPCC Sixth Assessment Chapter 1: Mitigation Report