Programme agenda

09:00 - 09:10 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Opening remarks will be made by Louise Marie Hurel, Research Fellow, RUSI.

[This session will be 'on-the-record']

09:30 - 11:05 Opening Remarks and Panel Discussion: Fragmentation or Like-mindedness? Rethinking Responsible Cyber Behaviour in the Age of Minilateralism

09:30 - 09:50 Keynote Address: James Lewis, CSIS

09:50 - 11:05 Panel Discussion
UN negotiations on responsible state behaviour have provided an important framework for thinking about the applicability of international law in cyberspace as well as the creating a corpus of non-binding norms that could inform customary state practice. Albeit such developments, current geopolitical divides, and the elevation of cybersecurity within national security agendas have created a tense and protracted environment for the future of UN dialogues on the matter. Different initiatives such as the Hiroshima Dialogue, International Counter Ransomware Initiative and others have focussed on promoting a space for theme-specific or like-minded platforms for dialogue. Is fragmentation and like-mindedness two sides of the same coin of global cybersecurity governance? How can concrete discussions on responsible cyber behaviour continue even in a context of minilateralism? Is this sustainable? 

Ambassador Marcelo Câmara, Director of the Department of Strategic, Defence, and Disarmament Affairs, Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Grace Githaiga, CEO and Convenor, Kenya CT Action Network (Kickta Net)
Daniel Klingele, Senior Advisor, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Sameer Patil, Director, Centre for Security, Strategy and Technology, Observer Research Foundation

Chair: Louise Marie Hurel, Research Fellow, RUSI

[This session will be 'on-the-record']

11:05 - 11:25 BREAK

Tea, coffee and other refreshments will be available for delegates.

11:25 - 13:00 Keynote Address and Panel Discussion: Responsible Use of Cyber Capabilities

11:25 - 11:45 Keynote SpeakerKim Zetter, Award winning investigative journalist and author [This keynote will be 'on-the-record']

11:45 - 13:00 Panel Discussion [Off-the-record session]
The development and use of cyber capabilities have become an integral part of cyber statecraft. Countries have devised specific organisations (cyber forces and cyber commands), sought to pass legislation to enhance the reach of cyber operations, and allocate more of government funding to acquiring cyber tools to support a suite of strategic/operational objectives. This off-the-record session will discuss how states have sought to reconcile state responsibility and the development of capabilities to conduct cyber operations – and the challenges deriving from that.

Emily Goldman, Strategist, US Cyber Command
Juliet Skingsley, Lawyer, British Army
Bich (Bic) Tran, Adjunct Fellow, CSIS
Nnenna Ifeanyi-Ajufo, Professor of Law and Technology, Leeds Beckett University

Chair: Tim Stevens, Reader in International Security, King’s College London

13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH

Lunch will be available for conference delegates

14:00 - 15:15 Interactive Sessions - Tracks 1: International; Track 2: Domestic; Track 3: Operational

Please note all interactive sessions will be 'off-the-record'.

Track 1: International – The road ahead for UN cyber negotiations post 2025

Throughout the past years, the discussions of how, where and under which conditions the dialogues on responsible state behaviour will take place within the UN has been a constant area of contention. In 2025 the mandate of the second OEWG 2021-2025 comes to an end. Simultaneously, other mechanisms such as the Programme of Action are set to be consolidated. The road post-2025 remains challenging. How will states navigate geopolitical silos whilst ensuring Regular Institutional Dialogue? What are the concrete challenges that need to be faced and how can multilateralism support a future environment of sustained dialogue on state responsibility in cyberspace in this context?

Moderator: Gatra Priyandita, Senior Analyst, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

Andraz Kastelic, Researcher at the Security and Technology Programme, UNIDIR
Léonard Rolland, Head of International Cybersecurity Policy, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kaja Ciglic, Senior Director in the Digital Diplomacy Team, Microsoft
Russell Buchan, Professor of International Law, University of Reading

Track 2: Domestic - An Incident Responder Perspective of Responsible Cyber Behaviour 

Discussions about responsible behaviour in cyberspace often revolve around the UN norms. However, the implementation of some of these norms, as well as the prevention and protection against malicious activity, relies on the work of technical operators such as CERTs and National Cyber Security Agencies. This workshop explores (i) how technical responders support whole-of-government efforts to tackle irresponsible behaviour, and (ii) what responsible behaviour looks like from an incident responder's perspective.

Moderator: Gavin Wilde, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 

Carlos Leonardo, Director of Incident Response, CSIRT-RD, Dominican Republic
Dr Albert Antwi-Boasiako, Director General, Cyber Security Authority, Ghana

Track 3: Operational – Designing principles for Responsible Cyber Operations

From offensive cyber operations to defensive operations, an increasing number of states have sought to devise institutional and technological capabilities (withing the military, intelligence, and law enforcement) to engage in sub-threshold strategic competition in cyberspace. However, less discussed are the principles and doctrines that should guide operational responsibility. This workshop will invite participants to reflect on what concepts and principles have/should inform states’ license to operate responsible cyber operations.  

Moderator: Jamie MacColl, Research Fellow, RUSI

Natalia Krapiva, Tech Legal Counsel, Access Now
Sameer Patil, Director, Centre for Security, Strategy and Technology, Observer Research Foundation
Éliane Goulet-Beaudry, Senior Policy Advisory, Government of Canada

15:15 - 15:30 BREAK

Tea, coffee and other refreshments will be available to delegates

15:30 - 16:00 Fireside Chat: Reporting Back

Session moderated by James Sullivan, Director of Cyber Research, RUSI

[This session will be 'on-the-record']

16:00 - 16:40 Beyond UN Norms? Cross-Regional Perspectives on Responsible Cyber Behaviour

Patryk Pawlak, Part-time Professor, European University Institute and Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe
Gavin Wilde, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Noran Fouad, Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University
Mariana Salazar Albornoz, Professor, Universidad Iberoamericana
Gatra Priyandita, Senior Analyst, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

Moderator: Louise Marie Hurel, Research Fellow, RUSI

[This session will be 'on-the-record']

16:40 - 17:30 Closing Discussion: Responsible AI and Cybersecurity - Reconnecting the Policy Dots

Ollie Whitehouse, Chief Technology Officer, NCSC UK
Ciaran Martin, Professor of Practice, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Chair: Jen Ellis, NextJen Security and RUSI Associate Fellow

[This session will be 'on-the-record']