Registration (From 07:30 onwards)
Early Bird Breakfast Discussion (08:00-09:00)
Official Welcome and Opening Keynote Speech (09:30)
Panel One: A 10-Year Journey: Finance and Security
This panel will assess the changing face of finance and security over the past 10 years, as the topic has moved from a merely criminal and regulatory focus to a cornerstone of international security. Panelists will highlight the lessons learned and discuss the way forward for more effective policies to counter illicit finance.
Panel Two: Technology and the Evolution of the Finance and Security Landscape
The tech landscape has evolved beyond all recognition since 2014 – what threats and opportunities does this offer in the finance and security arena? How do we use tech to strengthen the integrity of our financial systems and safeguard our democracies?
Panel Three: Responding to Geopolitical Fragmentation
This panel will consider how the established anti-financial crime order is being challenged by geopolitical fragmentation, including: the impact of Western unilateral sanctions on the Global South; the failure of multilateralism; and the development of new payment systems. Panelists will explore how Western allies should respond.
Panel Four: Looking Ahead - The Financial Dimension of State-Based Threats
This panel will look at how Western allies should respond to the growing use of finance as a dimension of state-based threats. Sanctions are here to stay, economic security strategies are emerging, and NATO is paying more attention to economic coercion and deterrence than ever before. What measures and structures should be developed to confront our adversaries and ensure our security?
Farewell Drinks Reception