The evening will provide an opportunity for the Future Leaders in Illicit Finance Forum (FLIFF) community to network with fellow early-career professionals from the public and private sector, civil society, and academia, as well as team members from the Centre for Finance and Security (CFS) at RUSI.

Joining instructions

The event will take place at RUSI, 61 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2ET. Refreshments and light snacks will be available to all attendees.

The networking event is exclusively open to members of the Future Leaders in Illicit Finance Forum (FLIFF). Subscribe to become a member of the forum here. If you have any questions about the Forum, please reach out to [email protected].

About the forum

The Future Leaders in Illicit Finance Forum has members from different backgrounds, from civil servants in HMG to members of the private sector, to civil society and academics, all working in the anti-financial crime/illicit finance sphere.

The main purpose of the forum is to generate discussion and promote new views on how to tackle illicit finance and to help young professionals increase their skillset and build networks so that they can become the next generation of dirty money fighters.